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Friday 26 August 2011

Nigeria Bomb Blast:18 dead in building in Nigeria

Details are still sketchy about a terrorist attack on a UN building in Abuja, Nigeria, but already CNN is reporting that it appears to have been a car bomb, at least 18 people are dead at the moment, and it’s most likely the work of Islamist terrorists
Don’t be surprised to see CNN conclude this quickly that Islamists are likely behind the attack.  Unlike in Norway, Islamists have conducted terror attacks in Nigeria for years.  There isn’t really another ready explanation for this kind of suicide mission, nor of its success.
It’s worth pointing out that the bomber could have chosen other nearby targets rather than the UN, as the UN site is in a diplomatic district in Abuja.  Liberia has an embassy nearby, as does … the US.  It’s a half-mile from the bombing site, and CNN confirms that the bombing did no damage there.
As developments continue, I’ll update the post.  I’d caution that all of the details being reported right now are subject to change, especially casualty figures, which are almost certain to go up as they find bodies in the rubble and start doing head counts of personnel.

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